What Is a Pour-Over Will?
When you create a living trust, you also sign a pour-over will. One of the main benefits of a trust is avoiding a court proceeding on death called probate, which is when wills are used.
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When you create a living trust, you also sign a pour-over will. One of the main benefits of a trust is avoiding a court proceeding on death called probate, which is when wills are used.
You’ve probably seen it in the movies or on TV hundreds of times: A close-knit family gathers for the reading of the will of a wealthy patriarch or matriarch. When the terms are revealed, someone benefits at the expense of someone else, causing a ruckus. It may even come to blows.
Are you the type of person who signs their will, sticks it in a drawer and never looks at it again? Or are you constantly updating and making small changes to your will, based on which one of your grandchildren has fallen out of favor?
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